
your almost famous quotes

Distinguished bloggers and bystanders,

Do you have your own quotations, epigrams, oneliners, personal maxims, mottos, poems, or bumper-sticker 'wisdoms' on any subject matter? Would you care to share your masterpieces to the world? ... (More)

Your Almost Famous Quotes
nad View Delete

Distinguished bloggers and bystanders,

Do you have your own quotations, epigrams, oneliners, personal maxims, mottos, poems, or bumper-sticker 'wisdoms' on any subject matter? Would you care to share your masterpieces to the world?

There's this simple but workable plan: when the total number of these almost famous quotes reaches 2006 1000 (!), I intend to get them published in Indonesia as a book--tentatively titled "Almost Famous Quotes". (If this quota's unmet, whoah, at least they will enrich this weblog, together with all the comments.)

For this purpose I require that your works be original and have never been published before. They can be in ENGLISH or INDONESIAN; just don't mix them.

You can easily submit your works by emailing me, or through the commenting system below this post. All you have to do next is sit back and unwind. Allow some time--or days, depending on my availability;-), before your works get displayed in this weblog, asap.

Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. All your works will be duely acknowledged. As for royalty: 1) hold your horses there, and; 2) stop wishful thinking.

Thanks very much! Peace and warm regards,

nad at onceuponaweb!og
contact: nadhays (at) hotpop (dot) com

Quotations Received To Date

Quote reference #: 0001 Writer: Kaxah
Email - retained. Date: 07.01.2005 Time - 14:28
OK, Nad, since you insist, here's a piece of wisdom.
Seriously, though, don't take it too seriously!

"Of all the weblogs to which I have paid a visit so far,
ONCEUPONAWEBLOG is really, truly, honestly...one of them."

Quote reference #: 0002 Writer: Imma
Email - retained. Date: 16.01.2005 Time - 14:47

"If you sit and blog long enough the whole world will come to you."
Quote reference #: 0003 Writer: Zairin
Email - retained. Date: 18.01.2005 Time - 23:57

"Sing waras Ngalah yo."

Quote reference #: 0004 Writer: Nad
Email - retained. Date: 19.01.2005 Time - 09:17

"The limits of my blogs are the limits of my world."

Quote reference #: 0005 Writer: Nad
Email - retained. Date: 19.01.2005 Time - 09:17

"I blog therefore I'm broke."

Quote reference #: 0006 Writer: Nad
Email - retained. Date: 19.01.2005 Time - 09:18

"Some people's blogs are a waste of some other people's time."

Quote reference #: 0007 Writer: Nad
Email - retained. Date: 19.01.2005 Time - 09:21

"Should to you nothing be flower I may be offering a lot of roses here."
Quote reference #: 0008 Writer: Nad
Email - retained. Date: 19.01.2005 Time - 09:37

"Blogs do clog."

Quote reference #: 0009 Writer: Nad
Email - retained. Date: 19.01.2005 Time - 09:40

"If you can read this blog post, get another life."

Quote reference #: 0010 Writer: ???

Join the fun by submitting your works!